Man wakes up from the Dead Walter Williams wakes from Body Bag in Funeral Home VIDEO #Mississippi

Man wakes up from the Dead Walter Williams wakes from Body Bag in Funeral Home VIDEO Man wakes from Dead Walter Williams wakes from Body Bag in Funeral Home VIDEO Man wakes up in body bag at funeral home Coroner calls incident miracle | Man wakes up in body bag at funeral home Coroner calls incident miracle 
Man Wakes up in Body Bag at Funeral Home

Posted on: 3:10 am, February 28, 2014, by Darren Sweeney, updated on: 03:14am, February 28, 2014 Facebook191 Twitter14 Google Pinterest LinkedIn Email

LEXINGTON, Mississippi — A funeral home in Lexington, Mississippi is calling it a first — a man declared dead woke up after spending hours in a body bag.

According to CNN affiliate WAPT, the coroner declared Walter Williams dead around 9 p.m. Wednesday night.

"I stood there and watched them put him in a body bag and zipped it up," said Eddie Hester, Williams' nephew.

His body was moved to Porter and Sons Funeral Home. Workers there say they were getting ready to embalm the body, when it started to move.

"He was not dead. Long story short," said Byron Porter of Porter and Sons Funeral Home.

"My cousin called me and said 'not yet' and I said what you mean 'not yet.' He said daddy still here," Hester said.

Paramedics rushed Williams to the hospital. Family members said they are happy he's alive.

The coroner said Williams' pacemaker may have stopped working then started up again.